Tuesday, 8 March 2011

have no regrets

This is a great one for me, my husband tells me this all the time, especially when I beat myself up about something.  You can NEVER regret having attempted something but not achieving or suceeding at it, you can ONLY regret not having tried at all.  

Indy was a 16.2 thoroughbred dream horse I owned when we lived in Canada, sadly to realise that he was the perfect horse but not at the perfect time.  I had two small children under the age of 4 and was pregnant with our third.  I wept buckets that I had to sell him, he was a hunter/jumper/dressage prospect and I couldn't ride him more than twice a week.  The upside was that the lovely lady I sold him to became one of my best friends, she let me ride him after I had had our baby and then when I was facing life without a horse, she offered to let me board a trail riding horse out at her ranch - a nice easy horse, one that you could leave for weeks on end or ride every day of the week.  With her help I found and bought Zac, my amazing paint horse and he has changed my life.  He inspired me to learn TTEAM (Tellington-Ttouch Equine Awareness Method) and my life has been enriched and blessed beyond compare through the people, horses and animals I met through my TTEAM training.


My lesson learned is that life is to try, attempt and strive to do all these things which make us alive and if things don't quite turn out how they 'should' have then that should be embraced too.  Keep living and no regrets.