Friday, 1 April 2011

Live life lightly

Hmmm - I suppose this is about trying to do the right thing, life my life right, tread gently, leave no impact and to try and nurture the people and animals and planet around me.

I am sometimes taken with the notion that I shouldn't have been born in the Sixties but perhaps should have lived then - there is definitely a latent hippie in my soul! 

I lived as a vegetarian for about 10 years, due to animal welfare concerns but then decided that a better way for me was to buy 'happy' meat - basically to eat fish, meat and poultry that I knew came from organic or free range farms.  Since moving back to Aberdeenshire I also now buy meat direct from farmers I know and respect, they are not organic but their animals are treated with care and travel the minimal distance before dispatch.  My husband and I  also try to grow as much of our own veg and fruit as living in the North allows (weather permitting!).

The work I do with horses, Tellington Ttouch Equine Awareness Method is about looking at how the horse moves, and believing that 'bad' behaviour or poor performance doesn't come from the horse being naughty but from pain and/or tension in the body which is affecting the horse.  It is such a gentle way to be with animals and has a real feel-good factor when you see how the horse responds.

The Reiki I use on my self, family and friends gives me the same sense of well being - I suppose it's all about balance really.  I try to be a good friend, try not to be judgemental and try to think before I open my big mouth - it's hard (I'm human after all) but I would always want to treat others the way I'd like to be treated myself.

I'm not a religious person at all, I believe in humans and the universe.  However, there is a race of people and belief system I feel most akin to, the Native American one - we lived in Western Canada for 4 years and I was incredibly moved by what we learned about the Native Americans there.  They have a way of explaining the connection between us all that works for me.

Honor the sacred.
Honor the Earth, our Mother.
Honor the Elders.
Honor all with whom we share the Earth:-
Four-leggeds, two-leggeds, winged ones,
Swimmers, crawlers, plant and rock people.
Walk in balance and beauty.

Real life is quite often busy, stressful and doesn't feel like this, but this I what I aim for and would wish to pass on to my children.  It's a bit of a tall order but I'm working at it!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

have no regrets

This is a great one for me, my husband tells me this all the time, especially when I beat myself up about something.  You can NEVER regret having attempted something but not achieving or suceeding at it, you can ONLY regret not having tried at all.  

Indy was a 16.2 thoroughbred dream horse I owned when we lived in Canada, sadly to realise that he was the perfect horse but not at the perfect time.  I had two small children under the age of 4 and was pregnant with our third.  I wept buckets that I had to sell him, he was a hunter/jumper/dressage prospect and I couldn't ride him more than twice a week.  The upside was that the lovely lady I sold him to became one of my best friends, she let me ride him after I had had our baby and then when I was facing life without a horse, she offered to let me board a trail riding horse out at her ranch - a nice easy horse, one that you could leave for weeks on end or ride every day of the week.  With her help I found and bought Zac, my amazing paint horse and he has changed my life.  He inspired me to learn TTEAM (Tellington-Ttouch Equine Awareness Method) and my life has been enriched and blessed beyond compare through the people, horses and animals I met through my TTEAM training.

My lesson learned is that life is to try, attempt and strive to do all these things which make us alive and if things don't quite turn out how they 'should' have then that should be embraced too.  Keep living and no regrets.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Make lists

Always with the provision to lose them, rip them up and start again or whatever!   

I have various lists on the go for different things (and at different times).  My shopping list, the list on my iPhone, our garden planting list, the house to do list, the list goes on!

I've found that the best time to write a list about what I want to achieve in life, my work, home, for my children etc has been when on holiday.  I usually have a list (or two) at the back of my diary and it's nice to look back on them at the end of the year and laugh at what was achieved, or what was completely unobtainable but funny to think of in the present.

The other type of list I find really useful is the list of things I actually HAVE achieved.  Sometimes when you feel as if life just isn't moving forwards, take a moment to stop and write down what you have done - you'll be amazed at how much there is and it gives you a lift to realise how much more you can achieve too!

One of the best lists I have on the go constantly is the list of things I love and am grateful for in my life, it helps to know that I can sit down and think of all the things that make my life worthwhile and wonderful (a bit sentimental and mushy but it works for me).

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Follow your gut instinct

This one I learned from working with horses, of course as a human being it took me a while to stop analysing it and get on and apply it.

Horses are prey animals - they have have a built in survival mechanism known commonly as Fight or Flight (actually there are a couple more which should be added too,  Freeze and Faint).  When danger approaches a horse, it's gut will react (really!) and then the horse will either run away, stand and defend, remain rooted to the spot or in extreme cases it will collapse (and sometimes die).

The same happens in humans - that nervous sickly feeling when something doesn't feel right, the euphoria when something does and you want to run around jumping for joy?  It's gut instinct - listening to your heart rather than your head.

Every time I've ignored these feelings and over-ruled them with my head, and common sense - it's turned out badly.  The times I've listened to my gut instinct, however scary it may seem, it's turned out all right.

Years ago when I was living in Canada, I was out trail riding on a huge quarter section from my friend's ranch NW of Calgary.  I was riding my Paint horse, Zac, we were following a path through some woods when Zac stopped.  I mean STOPPED!! Completely!  I tried to urge him forwards and my friend said not to let him be boss (?) but I said no, he was stopping for a reason, I was going to trust him and we turned around and headed back up the track, and then carried on going around the wood rather than through it.  When we finally came back onto the original trail, my friend looked back up the track and said thank goodness we hadn't gone that way, as out from the trail came a cow moose followed by her calf (which can be known to charge if they think you are threatening their calves).   Although Zac hadn't seen them, he had sensed them and I'm very glad I had listened to him.  He's a very good teacher.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

You should always wear clean underwear...

especially if you are going somewhere.  Then if you are run over by a bus at least you'll have clean knickers on!

This is one of the earliest things my Mum used to tell me, I suppose it's really about being prepared and also about taking care of the basics and not really about pleasing medical professionals when they realise you made an effort with your clean pants.

Monday, 31 January 2011

new blog - same old me

I hope to use this blog for recording thoughts and things that are my personal views and not specifically related to horses, gardening or our mad projects which I try to blog about on Garden Cuppa.

There are a couple of reasons for this - one is a self fulfilment thing for me, I've reached a point in my life where I can say I'm middle aged (I recently turned 45) and I'd like a way to record some of my thoughts and sayings for my children, friends and myself! 

Secondly, another very personal reason, both my younger brother and my Mum died of cancer in 2009 - there were so many things they used to say to me, advice they gave me,  that I wish I had written down or that they had saved in some format for me and my family to use and refer to.  Of course, whether I followed all or any of the advice is another matter but I don't want to lose what I learned from them!

SO - perhaps this blog will give me a change to log all the things that work for me, perhaps one day my kids will look at it and take on some of it for them?  Who knows but I'll feel better having done it - life really is too short.

Hopefully, I'll blog every day (of course, I can manage to use twitter and facebook on most days?) - but apologise up front if I don't manage.  Also, sorry in advance for the fact that nothing I write on here will be rocket science or some NEW idea - just my interpretation on what I learned in my 45 years.  I also want to put links to inspirational, fun and just plain silly stuff on here too.

I hope its fun, and that I get a lot out of it, and it remains to be seen what my three children think!
here goes - Ali x