Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Follow your gut instinct

This one I learned from working with horses, of course as a human being it took me a while to stop analysing it and get on and apply it.

Horses are prey animals - they have have a built in survival mechanism known commonly as Fight or Flight (actually there are a couple more which should be added too,  Freeze and Faint).  When danger approaches a horse, it's gut will react (really!) and then the horse will either run away, stand and defend, remain rooted to the spot or in extreme cases it will collapse (and sometimes die).

The same happens in humans - that nervous sickly feeling when something doesn't feel right, the euphoria when something does and you want to run around jumping for joy?  It's gut instinct - listening to your heart rather than your head.

Every time I've ignored these feelings and over-ruled them with my head, and common sense - it's turned out badly.  The times I've listened to my gut instinct, however scary it may seem, it's turned out all right.

Years ago when I was living in Canada, I was out trail riding on a huge quarter section from my friend's ranch NW of Calgary.  I was riding my Paint horse, Zac, we were following a path through some woods when Zac stopped.  I mean STOPPED!! Completely!  I tried to urge him forwards and my friend said not to let him be boss (?) but I said no, he was stopping for a reason, I was going to trust him and we turned around and headed back up the track, and then carried on going around the wood rather than through it.  When we finally came back onto the original trail, my friend looked back up the track and said thank goodness we hadn't gone that way, as out from the trail came a cow moose followed by her calf (which can be known to charge if they think you are threatening their calves).   Although Zac hadn't seen them, he had sensed them and I'm very glad I had listened to him.  He's a very good teacher.

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