Thursday, 3 February 2011

Make lists

Always with the provision to lose them, rip them up and start again or whatever!   

I have various lists on the go for different things (and at different times).  My shopping list, the list on my iPhone, our garden planting list, the house to do list, the list goes on!

I've found that the best time to write a list about what I want to achieve in life, my work, home, for my children etc has been when on holiday.  I usually have a list (or two) at the back of my diary and it's nice to look back on them at the end of the year and laugh at what was achieved, or what was completely unobtainable but funny to think of in the present.

The other type of list I find really useful is the list of things I actually HAVE achieved.  Sometimes when you feel as if life just isn't moving forwards, take a moment to stop and write down what you have done - you'll be amazed at how much there is and it gives you a lift to realise how much more you can achieve too!

One of the best lists I have on the go constantly is the list of things I love and am grateful for in my life, it helps to know that I can sit down and think of all the things that make my life worthwhile and wonderful (a bit sentimental and mushy but it works for me).

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